Quiz: Are You Destined for Greatness as a Fiction Writer?
Psychological Research Reduced to One Handy Dandy Quiz
Reading cognitive psychology studies, many are aimed at predicting who will become a writer, an artist, or “Creative.” Whenever I read one of them, I would evaluate myself against their criteria. I boiled these studies down into this quiz and now you can evaluate yourself.
Quiz: Are you destined for greatness as a fiction writer?
WARNING: Potential side effects. Taking the quiz could lower your motivation to write, however taking the quiz probably reduces your motivation less than reading actual research articles themselves.
Did you have a happy childhood?
25 points for noDid your parents respect learning?
25 points for yesDid you have a parent who was intellectually curious or very creative?
25 points for yesDid your parents encourage creative activity?
25 points for yesDid you like school?
15 points for noDo you have a massive vocabulary?
3 points for yes
5 points if you assent
15 points if you possess a prodigious lexis
-20 if you thought lexis meant a carDid you have imaginary companions?
Add 5 points for each imaginary companion up to 15 pointsDid people chastise you for daydreaming?
25 points for all the time
5 points for some of the time
-10 points for neverDo you enjoy pretense?
20 points for yesWhat’s your IQ?
25 points if your IQ is between 120 and 150
-50 points if your IQ is 150 or over (you might write brilliantly, but no one will understand you)What’s your place in the family?
5 points if not firstborn (more successful poets were firstborns while fiction writers were later born)What’s your MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)?
25 points for ENFP or INFP
15 points for INFJ, ISTJ, INTJ, or ENTP
5 points if you are Intuitive and not SensoryHow much do you read?
5 points for a lot
25 points for massive quantities
If you send me your score and a check for $999, I will tell you that you are definitely a born writer who will astound the world with your creativity.
No check, then I have serious doubts about your abilities — clearly not enough imagination.
Questions 1 thought 7 are based on Kohanyi’s theory that there are four factors that predict whether someone is going to be a creative writer. Questions 8 through 13 are based on Kaufman’s analysis of creative writers. Questions 13 through 14 are based on Piirto’s Understanding Creativity.
Kaufman, J. C. (2002). Dissecting the golden goose: Components of studying creative writers. Creativity Research Journal, 14(1), 27–40.
Kohányi, A., & le. (2005). Four factors that may predict the emergence of creative writing: A proposed model. Creativity Research Journal, 17(2/3), 195–205.
Piirto, Jane (2003). Understanding Creativity. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.
I scored so high that I broke your scale and don't want to embarrass you with the number. But I will send the $999 because, hey, I'm supportive.
Brilliantly done!!!!